Virtual Art Gallery Du Jour

Blowhard, Esq. writes:

Click on the images to enlarge.

A collection of female reclining nudes with (as you’ll quickly notice by the titles) a special emphasis on the odalisque.


About Blowhard, Esq.

Amateur, dilettante, wannabe.
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9 Responses to Virtual Art Gallery Du Jour

  1. Fabrizio del Wrongo says:

    My favorite is the Ingres. I use it as a computer wallpaper. I love Ingres.

    An old professor of mine had a theory about the Giorgione/Titian one: He thought the hand-on-pussy thing wasn’t a concession to modesty but rather painted advice for young brides, who might need to manually encourage moistness prior to first intercourse. There is good evidence that the painting — which was a wedding present — was intended to instruct a young bride.


    • I love Ingres too. When I was in Paris in 2000 there was a great Ingres exhibit at the Louvre that I’ve never forgotten. (It’s not often that I get to drop that boast in a convo so I always jump at the chance, forgive me.)

      The Moisture Masturbation theory is new to me. Interesting stuff.


      • Fabrizio del Wrongo says:

        I think I saw that expo at the Met around the same time. I didn’t have enough time to take it all in!


  2. agnostic says:

    Before women adopted “toned abs” as their ideal… It’s something you notice about any nude before nineteen ninety-whenever, but taking in so many examples at once really makes it stand out how weird our OCD gym rat women look.

    No rolls, folds, etc., just feminine plumpness around her belly and lap. Even the Mussini babe with the typical Victorian man-face gives off a feminine vibe on account of her soft belly.


  3. epiminondas says:

    And then there is Bernadelli’s “Messalina”…


  4. Sir Barken Hyena says:

    I like the Titian, she looks slightly more slutty than the rest


  5. Pingback: A Day at the Getty Center | Uncouth Reflections

  6. Pingback: Virtual Art Gallery Du Jour: Umberto Brunelleschi | Uncouth Reflections

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