The Art of the Opening Title: True Detective, Season 1

Blowhard, Esq. writes:

A new series where I share some of my favorite TV opening titles. Sometimes I love the show, sometimes I don’t, but I think each montage captures the spirit and tone of the show in an entertaining way. A good title sequence is like the foyer of a building, or the steps from street level into a museum: it separates you from the everyday and welcomes you into a different world.

About Blowhard, Esq.

Amateur, dilettante, wannabe.
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2 Responses to The Art of the Opening Title: True Detective, Season 1

  1. Mencken says:

    Brilliant idea and the sort of reason I come here for.

    Agree entirely with the choice. Discussed this with a friend as we were watching the show. Neither of us would be anywhere near fans of that genre but both loved it.

    I suspect that intro music is improving in general and perhaps this is related to the golden age of television?

    In the same vein I will nominate Narcos’ intro music. In general I have to say that no show even comes close to high and consistent level of music that was in that show. Almost every other episode there would be some catchy tune worth looking up.

    Mr Robot doesn’t strictly speaking have intro music but the running theme manages to showcase both the deep schizophrenic and physiological style as well as the hacking tech side of the show:

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Art of the Opening Title: The Americans, Season 4 | Uncouth Reflections

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