Genre Movie Themes, Adult Fantasies

Fabrizio del Wrongo writes:

Have you ever noticed how many genre movies of the late ’50s, ’60s, and early ’70s featured specially-composed pop songs? It’s one of my fave aspects of that era in movies. I’m not sure exactly where the trend began, but it’s worth pointing out that many westerns in the ’50s had theme songs. (Here’s one of my favorite examples.) Maybe it derives from that. Or maybe it developed out of the use of theme songs in conjunction with television series. In any event, the Bond series really took it to the next level, each of them opening with a lush pop song played over a decadent montage seemingly geared to mimic the all-too-infrequently-had experience of flipping through a high-end men’s magazine while tripping on peyote.

One of the things I like about the examples I’ve featured below is how unashamedly cheesy they are. They’re loungey, trashy, silly, sexy, fun — like Xavier Cugat tunes set to images. They cue the listener to put aside his rationality for 90 minutes and enjoy some far-out sights and ideas, to indulge in a corny pop fantasy, to not take himself too seriously.

Hey, doesn’t judicious indulgence of this kind seem like a key quality of that whole era? It was a time when adults were still adults, when men often wore suits whenever they left the house, but it was also an era in which the culture provided a variety of rituals and outlets specifically designed to cater to adult fantasy. Tiki bars, “Playboy,” cocktail parties, Bond movies — all fantasy outlets of a very adult (if self-consciously silly) kind. Unfortunately, that sort of sexy-silly sophistication seems to have been drained out of the culture. These days we can’t even appreciate the Bond films as fantasy — as a comic book escape geared towards grown-ups — without wringing our hands and worrying about the sociopolitical implications of Bond’s actions. (The new Bond films aren’t bad, exactly, just sort of joyless. Judi Dench is in them. Need I say more?)

We still have adult fantasies, of course. They often seem patterned on either frat house crassness or quasi-political empowerment schemes. Men seem to partake more frequently of the former, women of the latter. Oh, and there’s the superhero thing too. But let’s not even get into that. I’m in a bad enough mood as it is.

Anyhoo, I’m way off track. Here are some of my fave silly movie themes. If anyone is aware of additional examples, please post ’em in the comments.

The theme song to the 1958 “The Blob” was composed by the great Burt Bacharach, who was a master of the silly-sophisticated thing.

This Danish production was based on the same source as Tarkovsky’s arthouse snoozeathon “Solaris.” Talk about strange bedfellows! I have no idea who that is singing, but the song was composed by the wonderfully named Teepee Mitchell.

This isn’t a theme song, but I’m including it anyway because Arch Hall, Jr. is my hero. “There’s coyotes around the camp!”

Bruno Nicolai composed and Nancy Cuomo performed this Bondesque number from 1966. The title surely comes from “Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang,” a John Barry tune that was intended for “Thunderball,” released in 1965, but then never used. Of course, Pauline Kael later used it as the title of her second collection of movie reviews.

One of my fave title sequences. The rest of the movie doesn’t quite live up to it. The song is by Bob Crewe and Charles Fox.

The greatest man-returns-home-after-a-hard-day’s-work sequence ever put on film. Song composed by The Man himself, Ennio Morricone.

“You’ll believe it when you find…something screaming ‘cross your mind!” This acid rock gem was composed by Richard Delvy.

About Fabrizio del Wrongo

Recovering liberal arts major. Unrepentant movie nut. Aspiring boozehound.
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8 Responses to Genre Movie Themes, Adult Fantasies

  1. Sir Barken Hyena says:

    Nice stuff, thanks for posting. It’s a peripheral point but I adore the sound of recordings in the 50s and 60s. In fact that stuff had a huge impact on me musically. It was the soundtrack of my youth, but it was all in the form of reruns on the sadly departed UHF stations of the 70s. There was one particular station I remember when I was in middle school in the SF Bay area. It was a station from some far away shithole like Gilroy or Stockton, but all they played were goofy old movies. And they showed nudity too, not insignificant to the 14 year old me (Walkabout totally uncut for one). But the sounds stayed with me the most. It’s all so unreal and eerie/mystical with all the natural reverb (studios used to be HUGE) and sci-fi Farfisa organs and fuzz guitars. And gigantic string sections, sounding like they had 500 players. The Morrocone song sums it up. A very special era and doomed to die under a flood of flower power.


  2. Blowhard, Esq. says:

    A couple months ago, I caught up with a 70s-sex-and-nudity drenched collection of grindhouse movies that Paleo Retiree recommended back on 2Blowhards:–Cult-Classics-Movie-Set/dp/B0010T3ULQ/

    My favorite of the lot, “Cindy & Donna,” features its own theme song throughout the movie. Here’s the whole film, the song starts at 0:22:


  3. The Question Lady says:

    Love this post. The Arch Hall, Jr. is the best. Great that he’s singing a song about Valerie to a girl in the movie who’s not named Valerie, great that we cut to Richard Kiel and his caveman club, great that Arch has a complete studio back up out in the desert.


  4. Priceless stuff. We laugh at them now, but it always seemed to me that it takes more balls to write and perform a “theme song” than it does to come up with the kind of sound-effects tracks that movies generally feature these days. With a theme song, you really gotta commit yourself to your ideas, you know?

    Hey, has anyone ever read the novel that “Barbarella” is based on?


  5. Oh, another great figure from that era: Herb Alpert (with occasionally the Tijuana Brass). Light, jazzy, teasy … Did he ever score a movie?


  6. Pingback: Sounds of the Italian Crime Cinema | Uncouth Reflections

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