My Year in Books

Blowhard, Esq. writes:


Everyone else is doing end-of-the-year recaps, so I thought I’d join the chorus of noise and share mine. I included all of the Teaching Company stuff I listened to even though they’re not technically books because hey, it’s my list and I’ll do what I want.

Books I’m currently reading that I should finish by the end of the year:

Books I’m currently taking my time with:

What did you enjoy this year? What would you recommend? Also, I’d love to see Fabrizio’s and Sax’s movie lists but I don’t know if WordPress has sufficient storage space for either.

About Blowhard, Esq.

Amateur, dilettante, wannabe.
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9 Responses to My Year in Books

  1. That’s a lot of great stuff. I wish I’d begun noting down what I’ve watched, read and listened to many years ago. I’m currently in the middle of a book about the many regions and populations of France, Graham Robb’s “The Discovery of France.” France ain’t just Paris and the boonies. Sadly, while the book is very interesting it’s also VERY long and VERY overwritten, one of those books I’d have been happy to read in the form of a long article.


  2. Excellent list. I have never read Moon and Sixpence, but my supervisor at the Albanian university I taught at translated it and was very fond of the work. Speaking of which, if you haven’t watched it yet on Netflix streaming, check out the 1951 movie, “Encore” of stories by Somerset Maugham’s (which is one of my favorite finds ever on Netflix).


  3. How would you rank the Great Courses that you listened to, btw? Were they all good?


  4. Pingback: My Year in Books: 2014 | Uncouth Reflections

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